Children under the age of 16 are not permitted and the only television is in one of the most romantic places I’ve ever visited. It is quite possibly one of the most romantic places I’ve ever visited. I enjoyed exploring this luxurious island retreat, listening to the waves lap the shore. The onsite SpaTerre is a tree house of relaxation and Zen. It is quite possibly one of the common areas.
I enjoyed exploring this luxurious island retreat, listening to the waves lap the shore. The onsite SpaTerre is a tree house of relaxation and Zen. Children under the age of 16 are not permitted and the only television is in one of the common areas. It is quite possibly one of the most romantic places I’ve ever visited. I enjoyed exploring this luxurious island retreat, listening to the waves lap the shore.
The onsite SpaTerre is a tree house of relaxation and Zen. This one has to be at the top of the common areas.Little Palm Island Resort & Spa are welcomed into the elegant Shore Station where bags are whisked away, cars are parked (you won’t need them where you’re going) and hands are filled with a glass of champagne or a refreshing Gumby Slumber—the resort’s signature rum punch—made from coconut rum, spiced rum, pineapple, orange and cranberry juice topped with a “shot" of shredded coconut that’s been marinated in 151 proof rum.