Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Beautiful People Are Apparently Happier Than the Rest of Us

The Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli. From Painting Here.
In news that may be disheartening to most of the population, the University of Texas at Austin reports that beautiful people are generally happier than their plain-looking or ugly counterparts, no matter what their gender or culture. This information comes from a new paper entitled "'Beauty Is the Promise of Happiness?'" by Daniel Hamermesh and Jason Abrevaya.

The authors analyzed data from five surveys conducted in America, Canada, Germany, and Britain. These surveys asked more than 25,000 participants about their levels of happiness while an interviewer either rated their attractiveness in person or by photograph. The results of this analysis showed that people in the upper 15% of beauty ratings were over 10% happier than people ranked in the bottom 10%.

Hamermesh says, "Personal beauty raises happiness. The majority of beauty's effect on happiness works through its impact on economic outcomes." His previous research showed that beautiful people make more money. The economic impact of beauty may account for around half of the happiness boost shown in his current research.

The actual paper goes into much more detail, using charts and graphs over its 47 pages. You can read it for free in PDF format by clicking here.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Boston's Dead Bar Scene

"In terms of nightlife, Boston has a somewhat deserved reputation of being a bit sedate. A night out on the town ends early here. Blame the Blue Laws, the old Puritan restrictions that regulate when and which businesses can be open. Many bars in Boston close by 1 am, and only some bars and nightclubs can stay open until 2 am."
- The Discovery Channel
"the bar scene is on life support."

10 Things On My Mind - A Tag

Squeaks' post of 10 things on her mind inspired me to do the same thing, so here are ten things currently on my mind.

1. RED. I've been rockin' to RED's latest album, Until We Have Faces, since we got it almost two months ago, but I've been listening to it even more this past week, due to these two videos.

2. Birthday parties & chocolate cake! There are five birthdays in my family in just over a month's time, and they're starting this week. Woo-hoo! We get to eat lots of cake!


3. Knitting. I've been working on a scarf on-and-off for the past couple of months, and it's getting very close to being completed. Unfortunately, my left pointer fingers is too bruised to continue right now.

4. Writing. Like Squeaks said, writing should always be on a writer's mind, but sometimes it seems to be closer to the front of my mind than other times. Currently, I am actually (and please don't hurt me for this) out of ideas for how to keep pushing the tension higher in my current story. My characters seem to want to work together (and they never want to do that) and I'm not sure what else I can throw at them to make things worse. I'm sure my devious mind will come up with something, though. *malicious grin*

5. Lego Star Wars. The Goose is renting the game for the Wii right now, and we've been challenging each other to see who can get more of the game completed before it has to go back tomorrow. I already know that I won't win, as he's over 50% and I'm only at 39%. At least we know what game we're buying next.

6. Lord Of The Rings. On Saturday, my siblings and I got to see all three extended movies in less than twelve hours. I threw my back out due to lying on a church pew for that long, but I think it was worth it. I'm also in the middle of rereading the trilogy.

7. King Cenred from Arthurian legend. 'Nuf said. Actually, he reminds me of Daymond, only with long hair. Love his double swords! I hopeless, I know.

8. TFK/Skillet/RED/other bands that scream. *pokes Squeaks and Jake* No, I'm not doing this just to bug you. I really do love screaming in CERTAIN songs. I don't think I'd like Bluetree or Third Day if they had screaming in their music. Actually, this should be labeled "epic guitar rifts" because that's the part of the song I enjoy the most.

9. Tuna. Tuna has been following me around all day. I thought the grocery list said "digestive tuna" not "digestive tea". And now the tuna are following me around. I think they're in league with the rabbits.

10. Awesome music videos. This one is made by Leauphaun using (what else?) LOTR clips set to the Iron Man Soundtrack song Gulmira.

Now, because I'm bored, I'm turning it into a tag. Followers of this blog, you have been officially tagged. Get moving. What's on your minds?

P.S. The contest ends this Saturday, so hurry up and enter!

~God Bless~

Music Tag

This tag's been making its rounds the past week, and I think I've been tagged at least twice. So let's not keep the masses waiting. List 10 artists you love, in no particular order (before looking at the questions below).

1. RED
2. ForthAngel
3. Skillet
4. Bluetree
5. Demon Hunter
6. This Fires Embrace
7. Thousand Foot Krutch
8. Daft Punk
10. U2

1. What was the first song you ever heard by 6?
My Enemy, probably on one of the music podcasts I'm subscribed to.

2. What's your favorite song by 8?
Ohhh, that's hard. I think it would probably have to be The Game Has Changed.

3. What's the impact 1 has left on your life?
They've made me want to pick up the guitar. . .? *shrugs* My philosophical self is taking a break right now.

4. What is your favorite lyric of 5's?
There are too many to choose from, but here's three from the top of my head:
Let all the fear inside you drown / Tear out the blade and lay it down (Carry Me Down)
All the delicate ways that I've deepened our graves (One Thousand Apologies)
The same cycle ever-turning you is calling / It's calling / The scene is begging for a grave tonight / It always, it always will (Sixteen)

5. How many times have you seen 4 live?
Three times, all at YC Alberta 2010.

6. What is your favorite song of 7?
Are you kidding? TFK is too awesome to pick just one song!! Currently, it's All The Way Live.

7. Is there any song of 3 that makes you sad?
Of course. Imperfection. Always has, always will. But it's one of my "happy songs" too.

8. What's your favorite song by 9?
Depends. Sometimes it's Still Running, sometimes it's Dead Like Me.

9. How did you first get into 2?
Through the amazing podcast Anvil And The Hammer. Do not remain silent!

10. How did you first get into 3?
I've been listening to Skillet since before I even knew who they were. Their song Best Kept Secret is the first song I can remember hearing. The Christian radio station in Calgary featured them one time, and the rest is, as they say, history.

11. What is your favorite song by 4?
God Of This City.

12. How many times have you seen 9 live?
Never, and I fully regret not learning about them sooner. They aren't known as THE7METHOD any longer. In fact, I don't even know if they're still together.

13. What is a good memory concerning 10?
U2 always brings back good memories since I've been listening to them all my life, but I'd have to say long road trips. We always listen to music on long road trips, and U2 is something we listen to a lot.

14. Are there any songs from 8 that make you sad?
No. *pauses* Actually, yes. TRON: Legacy (End Titles). It means the movie is over. *sniff*

15. What is your favorite song of 1's?
Fight Inside. Wait. Right now, it's Let It Burn. (Check out Leauphaun's LOTR video to this song)

16. How did you become a fan of 10?
See question 13.

Folks, if you have read this, then you are tagged.

~God Bless~

British People Really Like Coffee and Parks

From Coffee Ratings.
Yes, according to this story from The Telegraph, Britain has just released some preliminary results of the Gross National Happiness survey, and the results show that coffee and walks in the park are among the responses to how British people define happiness. This information comes as a result of focus groups trying to define happiness before the British government begins the main survey phase of its happiness plan.

When asked how they define happiness, the people in the focus groups showed a diversity of responses, from big ideas to little details. Some of the responses included:

  • “Having access to open, green space within walking distance of my home.”
  • “Access to low-cost facilities that enrich life - e.g. libraries, parks, swimming pools.”
  • “Opportunity to laugh, ability to trust, opportunities to recharge my batteries and restore my mental health.”
Some people responded negatively, saying that what really matters is contentment, freedom, health, or money.

In case you don't know what all this is about, last year British Prime Minister David Cameron began a campaign to put wellbeing statistics alongside Britain's economic indicators. You can join an online version of the happiness focus groups by going to the Office for National Statistics website here.

Monday, March 28, 2011

You Probably Won't Reach Full Happiness Until You Are 85 Years Old

From The Telegraph.
We've long suspected that people tend to get happier as they age, but now that theory has a number:  85. The Telegraph reports on a survey of 341,000 people conducted by the American National Academy of Sciences. The results showed that most people feel less life satisfaction in their 20s and 30s, then begin an upward trend in their late 40s that peaks at 85.

Lewis Wolpert of the University College London explains the findings in his new book, You're Looking Very Well. He says that young adults are busy trying to start families and careers; paths which don't provide benefits until later in life. Andrew Steptoe, also of the University College London, adds that elderly people now enjoy much better health and opportunities than at any other time in history, making this longevity and happiness possible. A further explanation may be that people tend to use their time more selectively as they age, focusing their days on meaningful activities that bring them true joy and cutting out those that don't.

Unfortunately, the article doesn't mention some relevant details about the survey respondents, like how nursing homes affect happiness. But still, these results might make you think more positively about growing older. You can read more news about this topic by clicking on my "age" tag.

bangkok city

What activities, clubs and organizations would you recommend to newcomers to help them meet others?

American Women's Club, Community Services of Bangkok, American Chamber of Commerce, International Women's Ministry, and American Association of University Women. Any local group formed in your particular neighborhood. If you have children, become involved in their school.

In general, what are peoples' priorities in this city? For example, do lives revolve around work, family, socializing, sports, etc.?

The employed partner's life revolves around work and socializing. The accompanying partner's life revolves around social groups and volunteering. Bangkok is a hotel society..... most functions occur in hotels.

bangkok city
bangkok city
bangkok city
bangkok city
bangkok city
bangkok city
bangkok city
bangkok city

Sunday, March 27, 2011

bangkok thailand

So, you've arrived to Bangkok. You know that photography goods and computers should be relatively cheap here, especially bearing in mind the VAT refund scheme.

Asking around in a hotel reception and during the dinner, reveals that the best place to buy a laptop you've been dreaming about, is Pantip Plaza. The hovering image of a laptop in your mind obscures the wry smiles of your newly met friends at the dinner table.

During the next morning, you understand the reason.

It. Is. Huge. And has nearly everything. As wikipedia says, "There are hundreds of small shops specializing in computer hardware, software and accessories, including parts, repair, modifications, networking, second hand, laptops, Macintosh and peripherals".

Could easily spend a day or two here, trying to compare prices and offerings. At least it's good that there's not so much of photography goods, otherwise there would be no escape.

What concerns hardware, there are a lot of shops dealing with used parts, which isn't what you are looking for. The first shock wears out, and now you feel much more energetic and proficient in navigating the narrow passages between stands.

bangkok thailand
bangkok thailand
bangkok thailand
bangkok thailand
bangkok thailand
bangkok thailand
bangkok thailand
bangkok thailand


Bangkok – the city of angels – bubbles with culture and life. Like most big cities the Thai capital is densely populated and highly congested. This congestion increases the intensity of the hot, humid weather in the city. Temperatures vary according to the time of year and that is why the busiest period for tourists is during the cool months (December to February) and is undoubtedly the best time to visit. There are calm breezes that tend to bring people out of their air-conditioned homes and hotels to enjoy a meal at an outdoor cafĂ© or bar, no winter gear required. A light jacket is only needed occasionally


Saturday, March 26, 2011

germany pictures

Germany disposes a variety of former castles, mansions, country houses and monasteries, which were brought to a new use as a hotel. Histohotels - Historic Hotels of Germany offers the interested guests from in-and foreign countries as a reliable and competent partner all the necessary information for a restful stay in those formerly grand buildings. All houses represented in this cooperation were carefully restored and build up on the historical originality. Histohotels distinguish with a personal guest support and by a mainly individual guest contingent. They have a high quality standard in the cooking and service as well and are set in magnificent locations, well placed for visiting historical and cultural sites.

germany pictures
germany pictures
germany pictures
germany pictures
germany pictures
germany pictures
germany pictures
germany pictures

Friday, March 25, 2011

mumbai airport

Reader Reenu Sharma spotted Saif Ali Khan [Images] and Kareena Kapoor [Images] at the Mumbai airport. He writes that the couple even visited a book store in the airport, and bought a couple of books.
If you encounter/meet/see film or television personalities and take a photograph or a video of the star(s), please scan the photograph(s) and mail the pictures and video clips to us. We will feature the best images and video clips right here on Rediff Movies.

mumbai airport
mumbai airport
mumbai airport
mumbai airport
mumbai airport
mumbai airport
mumbai airport
mumbai airport
mumbai airport