My current inspiration for blogging is. . . zero. Sorry, but not much has been going on lately. However, we may be moving in the next couple of months. Half way around the globe.
Tons of things would have to happen if we were to move, so I'm not going to say any more until I know for certain. Then I'll bombard everyone with the details. Or maybe not.
On a not so random note, I want to announce the next contest Leauphaun and I are holding. It won't actually start until I have 25 followers, so spread the word. I'm at 21 right now, therefore I only need another four. This contest will be very similar to the first one, but this time there will be three winners, not just two.
My brain's barely functioning well enough to write this much, so I should stop before this turns into a full-blown disaster.
I would also like to welcome all the new followers of my blog, including Barriss Offee, Elaine J. Dalton, David, Manny, Alex and Leia Skywalker Organa. *whew* I know you're all following my blog for a reason, I just don't know what it is yet.:) Don't hesitate to comment and let me know what it is you're interested in seeing (or reading) about. And, I'm sorry, but skydiving is out of the question right now.
I may take to signing off all my blog posts with my current favorite song. That's what I feel like doing today, anyway. This is the theme song for my novel's MC, and can be used with either this character or this one (my dear little prince). *sticks tongue out at random dude*
For whatever reason, this song makes me extremely happy. Almost giddy. Not entirely sure why.
Did this post make any sense?
P.S. If you're into Christian rock, check this blog out. It's just getting going, but it looks to be a good one. Head on over and offer your support.
P.S.S. My short story has stalled a little bit, but there's still plenty of ideas swimming around in the water depths of my head. Bug me like crazy if I don't post SOMETHING in the next three days. Please.
I suddenly feel like blogging again. Weird how that happens.
Leauphaun, where did did you put the pickles? I think I need one.
~God Bless~

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