As one of the attractive beach resort in the province of Banten, Tanjung Dimples has a beautiful panorama of love to pass. No less a beauty Anyer, Cape Dimples offers views of blue sea and directly to the child's Krakatoa volcano.
Dimples Cape Coast is a coastal tourist sites are located in the village of Tanjung Jaya, Kecamatan Panimbang, Pandeglang district, Banten Province, Indonesia. His position was in the west Pandeglang and has an area 150 hectares.
Dimples Cape Coast was officially opened in mid-January 1998 and can be achieved by two routes from Jakarta. First, take the route Jakarta-Merak toll road, then out through the toll gate East Serang. After passing through the city of Serang, proceed to the City of Pandeglang and Labuan, and ends at Cape Coast Dimples.
Tanjung LesungKedua, take the route Jakarta-Merak toll road, then out through the tollgate of Cilegon. Then, proceed to the coast along the Anyer-Carita, Labuan and direction, and ends at Cape Coast Dimples. Jakarta-Tanjung Dimples is about 160 kilometers with a travel time of around 2.5-3 hours away by bus or private vehicle.
Since mid-June 2003, access to the region is increasingly easy because of the local government has DAMRI operates three buses daily from the city of Serang, Banten provincial capital, Cape Coast towards Dimples.

Natural charm Cape Lesung very beautiful, white sand was soft with a gentle breeze blowing, making the Cape Dimples feels so special when visited with the family. Beach sand which covers 15 kilometers, providing enough space to tourists to carry out various activities, such as making sculptures out of sand, sunbathing, playing sports (beach soccer and beach volleyball), and so on.
Position directly overlooking the beach is not to create gusts of wind off the sea and the pounding waves in this area is not too large. Travelers can perform various activities, like swimming, playing jetski, and snorkling. Fishing is one of the other exciting activities, because this area is home to many fish.
Cape Sunset LesungBagi visitors who want to enjoy the wealth of biological and attractions under the sea, can rent diving equipment. With diving, visitors will be fascinated to see the beautiful coral reefs, jellyfish colorful, small snails with a shell that is unique, and the fish are chasing each other on the coastline. As for visitors who want to learn the method of transplantation of coral reefs, conservation can visit the location in the middle of the ocean. There are three locations of coral transplants in this area, namely Halak Coral, Cape Dimples, and Liungan Island.
When you get bored at the beach, visitors can visit the tourist village majority work as craftsmen one-horned rhinoceros sculpture (Bantam typical fauna) and beverages from betel leaf, or look at the lives of fishermen in Kampung Cipanon. As for visitors who want to enjoy the beauty of the island Liwungan, can rent a speed boat with about 35 minutes travel time from a fishing village Cipanon. On the island covering approximately 50 hectares and reputedly inhabited only by a husband and wife, tourists can enjoy the exoticism of the Sunda Strait, the charm of the Son of Krakatoa, and charts fishermen flickering in the distance.
In Tanjung Dimples are a place to stay with different variations and types, such as hotels, villas, resort to home stay with a range of prices. For home stay tariff of Rp 100,000 per night while staying at the villa, hotel, or resort to the tariff of Rp 500,000 to Rp 2 million per night, depending on the day.
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