Tuesday, February 22, 2011



Oil prices soar worldwide as turmoil in nearly a dozen Arab nations continues.

- President of Libya tightens grip on capital, vowing to "kill protesters house by house" in campaign of terror. Clashes between rebels and loyalists creating Civil War environment as death toll tops 300 with over 111 dead soldiers. Obama faces pressure to intervene as Hillary expresses her "grave concern".

- Largest protest in nation's history as nearly 1 million protesters pour into Bahrain's Pearl square. Crowd stretched miles long as security forces were nowhere to be seen.

- President refuses to move towards democracy as murderous acts of repression and terrorism against young people and activists at the hands of the authorities in Yemen intensify. Protests in Sana, Yemen get dangerous as death toll rises

- Egyptian demonstrators return to Tahrir Square to call for resignation of Mubarak-appointed cabinet. The prime minister of Britain, David Cameron, held talks with the leaders, becoming the highest-ranking foreign official to visit since the outbreak of widespread protests.

- In Iran, Anti-government protesters gathered throughout Tehran, for demonstrations to mark the deaths of two men killed during protests Febuary 14th. But the government mounted a stultifying security presence in the city, with the police arresting protesters and using tear gas in an attempt to prevent the unrest from escalating.

- Protests simmer in Algeria after violent week of clashes. Meanwhile, protests intensify in Iraq.

- Pirates shoot four U.S. hostages to death near Somalia.

- Protests continue to gain even more steam (2 weeks in) in Wisconsin as the Governor refuses to give in to demands for union rights.

- Death toll from New Zealand earthquake hits 80 as fears mount in Seattle over possible risk.

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