Tuesday, March 29, 2011

10 Things On My Mind - A Tag

Squeaks' post of 10 things on her mind inspired me to do the same thing, so here are ten things currently on my mind.

1. RED. I've been rockin' to RED's latest album, Until We Have Faces, since we got it almost two months ago, but I've been listening to it even more this past week, due to these two videos.

2. Birthday parties & chocolate cake! There are five birthdays in my family in just over a month's time, and they're starting this week. Woo-hoo! We get to eat lots of cake!


3. Knitting. I've been working on a scarf on-and-off for the past couple of months, and it's getting very close to being completed. Unfortunately, my left pointer fingers is too bruised to continue right now.

4. Writing. Like Squeaks said, writing should always be on a writer's mind, but sometimes it seems to be closer to the front of my mind than other times. Currently, I am actually (and please don't hurt me for this) out of ideas for how to keep pushing the tension higher in my current story. My characters seem to want to work together (and they never want to do that) and I'm not sure what else I can throw at them to make things worse. I'm sure my devious mind will come up with something, though. *malicious grin*

5. Lego Star Wars. The Goose is renting the game for the Wii right now, and we've been challenging each other to see who can get more of the game completed before it has to go back tomorrow. I already know that I won't win, as he's over 50% and I'm only at 39%. At least we know what game we're buying next.

6. Lord Of The Rings. On Saturday, my siblings and I got to see all three extended movies in less than twelve hours. I threw my back out due to lying on a church pew for that long, but I think it was worth it. I'm also in the middle of rereading the trilogy.

7. King Cenred from Arthurian legend. 'Nuf said. Actually, he reminds me of Daymond, only with long hair. Love his double swords! I hopeless, I know.

8. TFK/Skillet/RED/other bands that scream. *pokes Squeaks and Jake* No, I'm not doing this just to bug you. I really do love screaming in CERTAIN songs. I don't think I'd like Bluetree or Third Day if they had screaming in their music. Actually, this should be labeled "epic guitar rifts" because that's the part of the song I enjoy the most.

9. Tuna. Tuna has been following me around all day. I thought the grocery list said "digestive tuna" not "digestive tea". And now the tuna are following me around. I think they're in league with the rabbits.

10. Awesome music videos. This one is made by Leauphaun using (what else?) LOTR clips set to the Iron Man Soundtrack song Gulmira.

Now, because I'm bored, I'm turning it into a tag. Followers of this blog, you have been officially tagged. Get moving. What's on your minds?

P.S. The contest ends this Saturday, so hurry up and enter!

~God Bless~

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