China asters are great bed and border plants and enjoy a cool, moist summer — their blooming season. Asters are susceptible to mildew and rust diseases, but new annual locations will reduce vulnerability. Aster sites should feature full sun and light shade. Well drained soil and sandy loam are best for China asters.
Plant China asters in spring with at least 12 inches between plants. Puddle roots if planting in dry weather. Dig 12 to 15 inches and add a 3-inch layer of compost. Planting holes should be twice the diameter of the pot. The root ball should be level with the soil surface. Gently fill in with soil and keep well watered.
China asters can be difficult to grow. Maintain them by providing a 2-inch layer of mulch each spring above a thin layer of compost. Water China asters during summer if weekly rainfall drops below 1 inch. After the year's first frost, cut stems down to 2 inches above the soil. Every few years, divide plants in the spring as new growth begins, providing each cluster with three to five shoots.

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