For those of you who don't follow (or even know about) the Collaboration blog I share with Leauphaun, I urge you to go check it out. Leauphaun posts artwork there that (usually) relates in some way or another to my novel, and sometimes I even *gasp* make a guest appearance, although I must admit that I've been slacking the past six months or so. (Don't blame me, blame my lack of inspiration. It ran away, dragging my typing fingers with it.)
Now let's tackle a particularly random topic: dreams. As in, the kind that you have when you're sleeping. I, for one, literally dream every single night/morning, but sometimes I go through "more intense/frequent" cycles than others. My dad's a heavy dreamer and I inherited that trait rather dramatically. I've written down multiple dreams over the past five years. One's even led to a ten-thousand word story, and it isn't even half way done yet. I'll finish it, I swear! Someday. . .
The reason I mentioned that is because somewhere between the past two nights, I've dreamt about Wayne Gretzky, a strange house that was falling apart, Ahsoka Tano from The Clone Wars, checking my blog and email, I think there was something about gladiators at one point, and a Shire horse that was show jumping at Spruce Meadows. That last one gave me slight amusement when I remembered it. Take a look:

These are more the type of horse you'd see in the jumping ring -- sleek, refined, but still powerful.
Dreams are random, and rather amusing. Have I ever mentioned I've actually dreamt about (and you may want to shield your eyes) -- Justin Bieber. *runs and hides from all the rabid, crazy, screaming fangirls that now want to either kill me or hug me* We were playing laser tag with what ended up being a form of real guns. He won. Totally not cool.
The last thing I'm going to mention is a CD The Goose got two weeks ago called !Hero: The Rock Opera. It is based on the question, "What if Jesus was born in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania?" It's a two disc set that was recorded in 2003 and is a huge collaboration between a dozen or so artists, including John Cooper (Skillet), Michael Tait (dc Talk, Tait), Rebecca St. James, Paul Wright, and Mark Stuart (Audio Adrenaline) with a dozen other artists.
The album was also turned into a stage play, and most of the artists reprised their roles from the CD, except for a couple, including GRITS, Matt Hammit of Sanctus Real, and most notably John Cooper. *insert sad face here* The entire DVD can be watched on YouTube, but unfortunately I can't find the songs themselves.
There are thirty-one songs between the two discs, and they vary in style from rap to rock to almost a contemporary worship style. My favorites are (of course) the ones with John Cooper in them, but I also like the semi-rap songs by Paul Wright. Here's the first two parts the DVD:
Look interesting? I certainly was hooked the moment I heard the first track. Oh, and none of the tracks sound like an "actual" opera, just in case anyone was getting worried. Anything with John Cooper, T-Bone and GRITS in it is bound to be awesome.
Hmmm, I think my ramblings have gone on long enough. Anyone have any way they can make this even crazier than it already is? Did you even make it this far?
~God Bless~
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