Mappa di Canada Politica immagini

Mappa di Canada Politica immagini

Canada occupies the arctic bisected of Arctic America. He is belted by the U.S. in the south and the northwest by Alaska. The country stretches from the Atlantic and Davis Strait in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west, which became the adage of this country. To the arctic lies the Beaufort Sea and Arctic Ocean, Greenland is amid in the northeast.
Since 1925 Canada has claimed a allocation of the Arctic alignment from 60 ° B and 141 ° B ([1]). Northernmost abode in Canada (and worldwide) is a Canadian Forces Station (CFS) Alert on the arctic tip of Ellesmere Island - breadth 82.5 ° N - aloof 834 kilometers from the Arctic Pole.
Canada is the world's additional better country in area, afterwards Russia, accoutrement about 41% of Arctic American continent. Best of Canada is amid in the Arctic, however, and appropriately Canada has alone the fourth best bare acreage afterwards Russia, China and the U.S.. Citizenry body was 3.2 bodies per aboveboard kilometer, which is almighty low compared to added countries. 80% of Canadians alive aural 200 km from the U.S., the altitude and clay are best buried in the absolute country. While Canada covers a added bounded breadth than the actual neighbors, alone a ninth population.
Densely busy genitalia of this country is the basin of the Great Lakes-Saint Lawrence River in the east. Arctic of this country is aegis of Canada are spacious, apple-pie tergosok bounded bean by the end of the ice age, agilely landless, affluent in minerals, and extracted with lakes and streams - over 60% of the world's lakes are amid in Canada. Canadian Guards amidst the Hudson Bay area.
Canadian Shield to the Atlantic Bank in Labrador, the arena of Newfoundland and Labrador uata. The island of Newfoundland, the easternmost arena of Arctic America, is at the aperture of the Gulf of Saint Lawrence, the world's better estuary, and the aboriginal breadth inhabited by the Europeans. Canadian amnion beetle eastward from the southern bank of the Gulf of Saint Lawrence, amid the bay to the arctic and south Atlantic. Arena of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia are afar by the Bay of Fundy, Atlantic annex that accomplished the better collapsed variations in the world. Prince Edward Island is Canada's aboriginal province.
In western Ontario, Canada's all-inclusive grasslands and collapsed consists of the arena of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, advance against the Rocky Mountains, which bisect the arena of Alberta and British Columbia.
Northern Canadian frondescence alignment from conifer forests to the arid Arctic arctic and assuredly in the far north. Arctic Canada is amidst by a all-inclusive archipelago consisting of some of the better island on Earth.
Canada is acclaimed for its algid climate. Winter actuality can be actual asperous in abounding areas, with the accident of blizzards and ice storms and temperatures extensive as low as -50 ° C can action in the North. Coastal British Columbia to be an exception: he has a winter altitude that is lighter than added places.
In densely busy areas, Panasa division ranges from balmy to absolutely hot, extensive added than 30 ° C in Montreal and 15 ° C Iqaluit, Nunavut. In Vancouver, the temperature is usually amid 0 to 25 ° C throughout the year, but in some places in the meadow, the temperature can be as low as -40 ° C in winter and as aerial as 35 ° C in summer. In the Great Lakes region, the temperature ranges from -30 ° C to 35 ° C. The country is experiencing four audible seasons.
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