Apparently Leia Firewalker thinks so -- she has awarded me with the Stylish Blogger Award. But there are conditions...
1. Thank the person who awarded me!
Thanks, Leia! I'm honored.
2. Write seven things about myself.
~I obsess about chocolate, hate coffee (except for the smell) but love chocolate covered coffee beans. Go figure.
~My birthday is also national hairball day. I think it's a conspiracy.
~I'm old enough to vote in this coming election.
~I'm peeved that there are more Legolas posters than Aragorn posters. Come on! Who's the King in that trilogy, anyway? Definitely not Legolas! Stupid Elvish princling, fangirls love him and can't get enough of him and...
~I am in the live DVD Thousand Foot Krutch is coming out at the beginning of June. *spazzes* Just how am I supposed to wait another month and a half for the DVD to come out?????
~I sometimes dream about my blogger friends. O_o And some of them more than others.
~I love watching thunderstorms. There`s something about lightning that makes me happy. Too bad we don't get them here very often (and that they practically always start fires); in Alberta, we'd get thunderstorms all summer long.
3. I must pass it on the seven bloggers.
4. I must tell them.
I pass this award along to...
Miss Pickwickian
Barriss Offee
If you already have this award, forget I even gave it to you. Everyone else, pass it along!
I'll try to get back into a habit of blogging, but my creativeness has been missing recently. Hopefully I can persuade it to come back.
~God Bless~

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