Recently, I've been mulling over why I love to write so much. When did I start writing? How did I start writing?
I know that I have always loved to create stories in my head. I can't remember a time when I wasn't creating something in my head. I'd take my plastic horses, my stuffed animals, my Polly Pockets, or even my brother's Hot Wheels, and make up stories using the toys as props.
Then, three or four years ago, I began writing my stories down. There were just too many plot details per story to keep in my head at one time, and I needed more room in my head for other ideas (as I'm sure every writer has experienced at one point or another).
As of now, I have almost three million words down on my computer, though not all of them are words I myself have typed. (I have plenty of other peoples' stories hanging around in different folders.) My journal alone has over two hundred and fifty thousand words in it. But I digress.
I guess I love writing because I'm not very good at art. (See here for an example.) Everyone has a creative gift, and writing seems to be mine.
How did all of you get hooked on writing (or whatever your hobby/passion is)? Did a parent inspire you? Someone famous? Or did you just start?
~God Bless~

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