Hello, Blogger world. Long time no see. Oh, wait. That's not true. . .
As I said yesterday, I have "finally recovered from a full month of spazzing out/screaming in my brother's face at very random moments/general weirdness that I've been plagued with."
Hopefully now you are curious. And even if you aren't, I'll tell you anyway:
As I mentioned three posts ago, Thousand Foot Krutch was getting ready to release their first ever live CD/DVD set. The one that Leauphaun and I got to be a part of (even if we aren't "actually" seen on camera).
Yup. We bought it.
*points at CD cover* Hey, Leauphaun, look! It's YC!!!!!
Well, maybe I'm not entirely back to normal yet...
Anyway, we're so happy that we did buy it (the day it came out, of course). The details of the concert have grown fuzzy over the last year, and it's awesome to have the memory completely refreshed.
I love every song on the DVD (except What Do We Know? and Already Home), but my absolute favorites are Move, Rawkfist, and Puppet. The entire album as a whole is incredible, however.
There are one or two issues, though they are fairly small. First, the DVD cut quite a bit of Trevor's speaking, while they left most of those parts in the CD. I would have preferred that they reverse that. Another thing is that the DVD isn't in surround sound. I mean, come on! Why wouldn't they put it in surround sound? *throws up hands in exasperation*
There aren't any special features. *teardrop* I wanted to see Dad eating wasabi peas in the mile-long lineup for TFK signings. (Really. You just had to be there.)
And the final thing that bugged me (although I was actually expecting this one) was that they cut out the part where Trevor had us singing O Canada. I can understand why they wouldn't put that in a DVD that's going to be sold all over the world, but it was a bit disappoint not to see it in there. (In real life, it was quite the random moment, but totally awesome!)
Then again, I don't think we sounded very good, either. Most of the singing in the DVD is dubbed (but don't tell anyone I said that), and I think they left O Canada out on purpose, so as not to wreck peoples' hearing. Or sound systems.
We now have at least four live DVDs, including Skillet's Comatose Comes Alive, U2's Live From Chicago, the TFK DVD, and RED's special edition End Of Silence. Visually, I actually like Skillet's DVD the least, as it's so effects heavy, it's hard to figure out what's going on some shots. But that's a completely different rant... er, blog post.
Speaking of RED . . . (yes, it's true I can't go much longer than three or four posts without talking about them), the other reason I was very close to freaking out was because they released their "Feed The Machine" music video on Monday. I've just been too busy to post about it until now.
As many people have already said, this music videos plays out more like a mini-movie than a music video, what with being a full seven minutes and twenty seconds long. Do take the time to watch the full thing, even if you aren't a huge fan of RED. There's an inspiring message in this song, and the video shows that in a very literal way.
As one comment I saw said: I agree, but let's not just watch the video. Let's do something about it. Let's wake up and kill the machine.
If this video doesn't get as many views as bieber and gaga... i'm really worried about what my future kids will listen to... :S
Hmmm. After watching it again, I feel there may be an interesting plot here somewhere. . .
Anyway, what are your thoughts on the video?
PS. Having identical twins in a band makes for some very interesting family moments, does it not? *laughs* Randy's choking Anthony. Oh, that's just great for their relationship as brothers, isn't it? Check out RED's Death Of Me video for more twin verses twin action.
~God Bless~

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