Friday, May 13, 2011

*happy dance*

Those of you who have been following my blog for a full year will remember how my family went to YC Alberta last year. I spazzed about it in three different posts. You can read the craziness of those three days here, here, and here (if you dare risk your sanity *hehe*). That first evening of YC, Thousand Foot Krutch shot a live DVD. We've been waiting for them to release it ever since.

And waited. And waited. And waited for even the tiniest of news articles on them. Did I mention we waited?

Well, two days ago they finally release the first five minutes of the DVD. I bounced my entire way through the preview. June 7th can't come fast enough. Before watching this video, please maximise the quality and set your speakers as loud as they can go. Thank you.

I feel sorry for those people that couldn't make that concert. But now we can share the experience with the whole world!!!!! *giggles* I've been dancing around the house ever since I learned the release date for the DVD. Now I'm cartwheeling.

While I'm on the topic of music, RED's released an eighteen second preview from their new music video, Feed The Machine. Leauphaun and I agree that this preview looks more like a clip from a movie than a music video. Just how much money did they spend on the filming of this one?

Since I'd rather not freak anyone out by totally ranting (in the best possible way, I assure you) on both of these videos, I'm only going to say this:

Can I travel forward in time to when these videos are both available? Please?

~God Bless~

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