Map of Yukon Province Pictures

Map of Yukon Territory

Map of Yukon Area

Yukon is a territory of Canada that has an breadth of 482,443 km ². Its basic is Whitehorse. People actuality alarm it Yukoners.
-With the territory east of the Northwest Territories
-The west by the state of Alaska
-The north by the Arctic Sea
-The south with the province of British Columbia
-Territory is derived from the Yukon River
Sparsely busy Yukon abounding of snow cook lakes and abiding snow-capped mountains. Although the altitude is chill and subarctic and actual dry, with long, algid winter, continued sunshine hours in abbreviate summer acquiesce able crops and vegetables, flowers and fruits to grow.
Areas are almost appearance of a appropriate triangle, adjoining the accompaniment of Alaska to the west for 1210 km (752 miles) mostly forth the breadth 141 ° W, the Northwest Territories to the east and British Columbia in the south. chill bank is on the Beaufort Sea. ragged eastern abuttals mostly follows Its bisect amid the Yukon Basin and the Mackenzie River watershed to the east in the Mackenzie mountains. Whitehorse is the territorial capital.
Most of the watershed areas are in his namesake, the Yukon River. Southern Yukon busy with a ample cardinal of large, continued and attenuated glacier-fed aerial lakes, best of which flows into the Yukon River system. Great lakes accommodate Teslin Lake, Atlin Lake, Tagish Lake, Marsh Lake, Basin Laberge, Kusawa Basin and Kluane Lake. Bennett Basin in the aisle of Klondike Gold Rush is a basin abounding into Nares Lake, with best areas in the Yukon.
Canada's accomplished point, Mount Logan (5959 m/19, 551 ft), amid in the southwest region. Mount Logan, and best of the southwest Yukon in Kluane Civic Park and Reserve, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Other civic parks accommodate Ivvavik Vuntut Civic Parks and Civic Park in the north.
Other watershed including Mackenzie River and the Alsek-Tatshenshini, as able-bodied as several rivers that breeze anon into the Beaufort Sea. Two capital Yukon rivers abounding into the Mackenzie in the Northwest Territories are the Liard River in the southeast and the Peel River and its tributaries in the northeast.
Notable timberline breed boundless in the Yukon is Black Spruce and White Spruce. Many copse bedfast by the abbreviate growing division and astringent climate.
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