Failure. That is his record. Weather you are a Republican, Democrat, Independent or undecided voter, there is no denying this. The president has failed us. Choosing easy compromises over hard fights and bipartisanship over principal, the president has left behind his 2008 campaign agenda of holding the banks accountable, reigning in Wall Street, taxing the millionaires, withdrawing from the Middle East and balancing the budget. As a result, the gap between the rich and poor has continued to grow dramatically, as executives make record profits on the backs of middle class Americans who are losing entitlement programs left and right. Furthermore, a frustrated public has become hopeless in the Obama administration to deliver real change. Instead of investing in Green Jobs and stimulating growth, the focus has been war. Record numbers of troops are dying in Afghanistan as the debt reels out of control at home, devaluing our dollar and forcing small businesses to layoff employees.
So, now comes the hard part. What I denied for so long, convincing myself that despite his seemingly growing weaknesses, he could campaign again to win. But high unemployment and low approval has shown me otherwise. His disapproval rating is record high as his approval rating hovers in the high 30s. The republicans will vow to turn things around and continue to use the brilliant "Change Direction" slogan. They might be liars, crooks and bastards who hate gays and women. But one of them will be our president. Hold your breath folks, it's gonna get a lot, lot worse.
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