Area Map of USA Details Pictures

Road Map of USA Details Pictures

Road Map of USA Details images

United States for short U.S. or America is a federal constitutional republic consisting of fifty states and numerous other areas (see political map). 48 of them lie consistently in the mid-continent North America, situated between the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific, bordered by Mexico to the south and Canada to the north. Hawaii are located in the Pacific and Alaska is located northwest of Canada. Located on 9.6 million square kilometers with a population over 310 million people, the United States are the third largest country in area and population. With GDP exceeding $ 13 trillion is the strongest state economy in the world. United States is one of the most coveted tourist destinations in the world. It is a groundbreaking mix of overlapping cultures, ethnicities and races that attract us as a strong magnet. We call this the land of the free because it is full of all sorts of nations and languages and that’s what makes us feel like part of a huge and cosmopolitan world. Vast and majestic, the U.S. is endowed with beautiful mountains and famous natural wealth, luxury ski and sea resorts and one of the largest metropolises in the world.
USA has a total area of 9,631,418 square miles and ranks third in the world in area after Russia and Canada. It consists of 50 states and numerous other areas. Forty-eight of the states lie in the middle of North America located between the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean bordering Canada and Mexico north to the south. One of the states, Alaska, is located northwest of Canada, and Hawaii are located in the Pacific. U.S. population occupies third place in the world.
The USA Highways system is an integrated system of highways and roads in the United States, numbered within a nationwide grid.
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