Now, that isn't nearly as random as some of you may think, because last night my siblings and I (plus one of Goose's friends) went and saw him too. (I was actually going to invite you, Squeaks, until I read your post and realized you had already seen him. :)
Leauphaun and I knew about seeing Manafest for several days, but we kept it from Goose (who really likes Manafest) until yesterday morning. When we told him that we were going to "a pizza party... with Manafest", his eyes practically bugged out of his head. *happy grin* It was so worth waiting to tell him.
Yes, pizza party. After the concert -- which was completely awesome, as there were maybe 100 people there, tops -- we got to hang around with the band and eat pizza with them. Correction: the band didn't eat pizza, but everyone else did.
Prior to last night, Leauphaun and I had each seen Manafest twice and met him at YC Alberta 2010. When Leauphaun approached him (last night) to get a drawing she did of him signed, he mentioned that she seemed familiar, to which we replied that we'd already met before at YC. Because of that, Chris actually stood and talked to us for a good five minutes after most of the people there had gotten what they wanted signed. He's such a nice guy, very friendly and encouraging too.
There were dozens of funny moments that happened over the course of the evening, but probably the best one was at the end when we were waiting for our parents to come pick us up. Manafest drove his van/trailer around the church so that they could begin loading their gear into it. As he drove by where we were sitting, he rolled down the window and asked us if we wanted to go on tour with him. Of course, we all said yes, then Leauphaun added, "'bout time you asked!" o_O I don't think he heard her.
Leauphaun and I bought t-shirts and got them signed, and Goose bought a hoodie and Manafest's live CD/DVD combo, which he had the band sign it. That makes it... *counts on fingers* Four DVDs of bands Leauphaun and I saw at YC.
All in all, I had a great time last night. Oh, sure, I can barely move my neck and right shoulder, and I'll probably fall asleep during supper tonight, but who cares? I actually got to enjoy a Manafest concert, had Chris scream in my face at one point (during the concert) and got to headbang to my heart's content. Now I can't wait for September. TFK, Newsboys, Manafest...
I can't wait.
PS: Happy anniversary, Chris!! Thank you for sacrificing your eighth anniversary to be with your fans. But make sure you do something for Mrs. Greenwood. Soon.
~God Bless~

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