Creative Artist has tagged anyone who wants to do this massive character tag, and I accepted the challenge. Here are the rules:
1. I pick three characters
2. I make my characters answer these questions
3. I tag three people
I'm going to add a fourth character, just because I can. :)
My characters are Eldra (my MC), Daymond (my sometimes-MC/antihero), Gio (one of Eldra's comrades), and Eleriff (Eldra's potential love interest -- but don't tell them that).
NOTE: I wrote some of this late, late at night, so if some answers sound weird, blame it on that.
Do you want a hug?
Eldra: *glares at Daymond* Stay away from me.
Daymond: Depends on who it's from... Actually, no.
Eleriff: Only the hug is from a female. *grins mischievously*
Eldra *slaps Eleriff*
Eleriff: Ow!
Gio: Sure.
Do you have any kids?
Eldra: No.
Daymond: No.
Eleriff: Not that I'm aware of.
Gio: Goodness, no! They're so hard to take care of, they're always crying for attention, and they eat everything!
Daymond: *smirks* Sounds just like you, Gio.
Gio: Hey!
Have you killed anyone?
Eldra: Yes.
Daymond: Are you kidding? I love the sound of cracking bones.
Eleriff: *stares at Daymond and gags* Are you serious?
Daymond: I'm not really one for jokes.
Eleriff: *turns green* I don't feel well.
Gio: Wimp. As for me, I have killed but it is not something I enjoy.
Love anyone?
Eldra: Love? That's a hard emotion to define. I'm not sure.
Daymond: I refuse to answer.
Eleriff: Yes.
Gio: Not at the moment.
What is your job?
Eldra: I have held several jobs: princess, ambassador, and... the rest is classified.
Gio: She's an IPSA agent, just as I am.
Eldra: *knocks Gio out*
Daymond: Inter-galactic assassin.
Eleriff: *shoots worried glances at the others* I'm a prince, but since I'm not in line for the throne, I don't act like one. I just live like one.
Favorite season?
Eldra: Spring. Not too hot, not too cold.
Daymond: Winter. I hate the heat.
Eleriff: My planet doesn't exactly have "seasons" but I would probably enjoy summer the most.
Gio: May I revive yet?
Eldra: No.
Gio: Shoot... I was going to say summer.
Who's your best friend?
Eldra: Definitely Malachi. We've been friends our entire lives. *glares at Gio* He isn't just my bodyguard, and you know it.
Daymond: I'm not allowed the luxury of friends.
Eleriff: Kandrid's King.
Gio: The King of Kandrid is your best friend?
Eleriff: He's my brother.
Gio: Oh. Stacilles is my best friend. Well, him or TRAV.
Eldra: Reading.
Daymond: My job is my hobby.
Eleriff: *turns green twice over* Do you ever take a break, Daymond?
Daymond: No.
Eleriff: *sighs* Whatever. My hobbies are swimming and swordplay.
Gio: *flips hair to the side* Preening.
Daymond: *snorts*
What are you going to do when this tag is over?
Eldra: Prep for yet another mission.
Daymond: *glances at Eleriff* Whatever Morago commands.
Eleriff: *purposely ignores Daymond* Swim. Or flirt with the newest maid.
Gio: Style my hair. *fiddles with copper strands* This stylist didn't know what she was doing.
Okay... What is your eye color?
Eldra: Emerald green.
Daymond: My eyes change colors depending on my emotions, but they are naturally light gray.
Eleriff: *stare suspiciously at Daymond* Hmm. My eyes are the same as Daymonds... which is strange because only those with my family's blood in them have such an ability. *shrugs* My base color is copper.
Daymond: *ignores Eleriff*
Gio: Imagine the brightest blue you possibly can... My eyes are fifty times that color.
Are you good? Or bad?
Eldra: Both.
Daymond: Neither.
Eleriff: Evil barely seems to exist where I live, so I must be good.
Gio: Well, I would hope that I'm good!
What is your greatest fear?
Eldra: I refuse to answer this question unless Daymond is unconscious.
Daymond: Well that isn't happening.
Eldra: Then I'm not saying.
Daymond: It doesn't matter; I know it anyway. You're afraid of being weak in any way.
Eldra: *glares*
Daymond: And, to be fair, my greatest fear is that my entire life has been a lie.
Eleriff: Well, I fear something... less extreme. Personally, anything that disrupts my privileged life frightens me.
Gio: Fighting Daymond.
What do you think of your parents?
Eldra: They're nice, if a bit uptight and stuffy.
Daymond: I don't remember my mother, as she died when I was less than a year old, but my father is almost like an older brother to me.
Eleriff: They were wonderful people and rulers, until their untimely death.
Gio: Beautiful people. Where did you think I got my stunning good looks from?
Any siblings?
Eldra: No.
Daymond: Huh. No.
Eleriff: Yes, an older brother.
Gio: I come from a huge family that had ten children last time I checked, the oldest of which happens to be me. I got out of that situation as soon as I possibly could.
Was it fun to answer all these questions?
Eldra: Let's just say it's better than some other things I could be doing.
Daymond: Killjoy.
Eleriff: *sniffs* Killing again? You just can't get off the subject.
Gio: I love it! Keep asking them! Please!
Sure thing... Do you have any weaknesses?
Eldra: *snorts* Do you want me to list them alphabetically or in order of significance?
Eleriff: However you wish, my dear.
Eldra: Fine. Small, pointy objects, my pride, being around Daymond (not in the way that you think), any sort of drugs, anywhere with lot of electrical currents, bad boys. *blushes* Uh, yeah.
Daymond: *snickers* Bad boys? Like me?
Eldra: *mutters* Shut up.
Daymond: Like I thought. *smug grin* As for me: being around Eldra (once again, not in the way that you think), danger, my father.
Eleriff: Pretty women, mostly.
Gio: Goodness, I'm too perfect to have any weaknesses.
Your favorite element?
Eldra: Uhhhh, fire.
Daymond: Wind.
Eleriff: Water. Sometimes I wish that I could be a fish. *ducks head* Did I just say that?
Gio: Fire! *lights fireball*
Eldra: *dumps a bucket of water on Gio* No, Gio, you can't burn the building down. Again.
Do you care what others think of you?
Eldra: Hmmm. Depends on which roll I happen to be in. As an ambassador, I pretend to, but, in all honestly, I don't really care what others think.
Daymond: As long as the emotions displayed toward me aren't negative and/or hostile, I don't care.
Eleriff: As a prince, I am very aware of what is thought of me, so I act in exactly the way they don't want me to. *grin*
Gio: Only every waking moment.
Your theme song?
Eldra: My writer says I have several, but I don't know any of them. The music in her universe is different than mine.
Daymond: I am told one of mine is Thousand Foot Krutch's "Puppet".
Eleriff: Norm Strauss's "It's Not Safe Here Anymore".
Gio: Ummmm, I never thought about it before. Let's go with The Letter Black's "Fire With Fire", since I'm a bit of a pyro.
What's your species?
Eldra: Human, and I'll answer for Gio: vanity in human form.
Daymond: Human.
Eleriff: Human.
Gio: *glares at Eldra* Human I most certainly am.
Well, there you have it. If you actually read through the whole thing, you deserve a cookie:
There. Don't those look good? Now it's time for me to tag three others.
Excellent. Now I can take a break and go write something useful. Thanks for reading!
~God Bless~

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